Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I woke this morning to the news that Obama is the new President elect. Many Christians will view this to be a very terrible thing. I have a different perspective, possibly rooted in ignorance, or perhaps not. I was born in 1977. Jimmy Carter was President and I have no memories of him in office. But since then there have been dramatic contrasts. Some presidents were conservative, some were liberal, and all were scapegoats to some degree.
I have read that we as a nation lost the meaning of words when Bill Clinton challenged the meaning of the word "is". Is it really his fault? I don't think so. I pin the blame on me first, and then on everyone else who has lied, cheated, or used the English language to twist the truth.
I'm reminded of the story in the Bible where self-righteous leaders brought to Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery. They wanted to stone her, but Jesus said, "He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first" (NKJV). I know that the point of this story is primarily a moral one. However, can it not be applied to politics, or, for that matter, any other area of life? Am I without blame. Is anyone? I believe we are far too quick to see our own irresponsible actions as inconsequential.
Now we are looking to the future and wondering what the next four years will bring. Some are not hopeful. Some are cautious. And some, like me, will move about, doing what they can within their spheres of influence to make this country a better place. I will not blame any of the past presidents for the problems we are facing today. I believe that we all share the blame and the praise. This is, after all, a democracy isn't it? (Ben Franklin called it a republic, an ideal that was never fully realized. But that's besides the point!) We have a "government for the people, by the people". If you want a democracy you have to share the blame. Otherwise, go live in Venezuela and blame Chavez for everything.

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