Friday, September 26, 2008

My #2 Reason for Blogging

I love to discuss my faith with others.
I am a Christian. What does that mean? The moment you read about my faith you will instantly start to think about all the "Christians" you have met. What were they like? Were they reasonable people or fanatical? Where they genuine or fake?

Unfortunately, many skeptics I have run into over the years have tended to base their disbelief on poor stereotypes. They build straw men from news clippings of pastors taken in scandals and neighbors whose dogs bark too loudly. I contend that Christianity is a reasonable faith based on highly probable evidence--far from the blind "leap of faith" that many detractors accuse us of taking.

Personally speaking, I am quite flawed. I far fall below the standards that the Bible sets. I'm not proud of this fact. But I am free, free from the bondage that held me in sin. The peace that comes with the forgiveness of God is a sure cure for insomnia or anxiety or whatever else ails your soul.

My #1 Reason For Blogging

My intent is to be a resource for parents.

Parents are stretched to the limit these days. I see this first hand in my ministry and as a soccer coach. What concerns me is that parents seem to have less and less time to interact with their sons and daughters and trust them more and more to specialists. My heart goes out to parents. I want to engage them and help them see the connections between modern thinking and the behavior of their kids.

Here is a sampling of some topics/questions that I intend to address:
Media: Should I be concerned with the messages Hollywood is sending my teen?
Postmodernism: What is it and why is it dangerous?
College: Is the Christian university the right choice for my son or daughter?
Rebellion: Where does it come from and what can be done about it?
The Bible as a Guide: What does the Bible have to say about parenting? Does it have relevant answers for today's parenting struggles?
Discipline: How can I get my teen to tell me the truth?
Influence: Who has the louder voice: parents or media? (You might be surprised)

So, I invite you to subscribe and join me in conversation regarding the wonderfully complex world of youth culture.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Socratic Art

The Socratic Art is the art of asking questions. I love questions and the pursuit of answers. The more difficult the question the more it sparks my interest.
It has been said that without questions there is no learning. Each answer is preceeded by a question and leads to questions on a higher level. Since I don't like to let my mind atrophy I keep asking more and more. Life is lived in the tension between the question mark and the period and that is where you'll find me.
Though this is true, I recognize that questions are not what we're after. We all seek answers. Some say that the biggest questions have no answers, but I disagree. I believe there are reasons for everything.